1 | L2Adonis HighFive Exp:10 Sp:10 Drop:10 Adena:10 L2J |
2 | Adonis 50X - Teon HighFive Exp:45 Sp:45 Drop:20 Adena:35 L2J No pay to win; -Max Donate Enchant 6 |
3 | L2MetaWars Classic Interlude Exp:45 Sp:45 Drop:4 Adena:15 L2J |
4 | L2Gamers Interlude Exp:100 Sp:100 Drop:1 Adena:50 L2J |
5 | L2Gorilla Interlude Exp:5000 Sp:1 Drop:1 Adena:5000 L2J |
6 | L2GloryDays.eu - 3x Goddess of Destruction Glory Days Exp:3 Sp:3 Drop:3 Adena:3 L2OFF |